
The Place To Be To Help Wild Horses – Public Welcome

If you can help, PLEASE contact us at the email address below! This is very important to our horses and indeed, the entire western ranges.

Amplify’d from blog.grassrootshorse.com


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Place To Be To Help Wild Horses – Public Welcome

The "Resource Advisory Councils" are the place to be if you want to know the decisions being made for public lands, wild horses, ranching, mining, energy, recreation etc.

This is the meeting where the agenda for 2011 is set for the year. We need people on these committees and this is a good place to introduce yourself and familiarize yourself with the process that we need to be involved in.

The big meeting for all three regions and Recreation subcommittee is called the Tri Rac Meeting.
It will be held on January 20 and 21, 2011 at John Ascuaga Nugget Hotel Casino, Sparks, NV
It begins Jan 20, Thurs 8 am when the agenda for the year will be set. The 3 RAC's will meet seperately on Jan 21 at 7:30 am

The agenda and contact info is posted online at blm website - google TRI RAC 2011
If anyone can commit to videoing for Grass Roots Horse live stream or attending the meeting to report for us,
please contact me Mo@grassrootshorse.com Subject line: TRI RAC

We want to have all meetings and full days covered and this is a priority. 

Posted by
GrassRootsHorse.com at 5:50 PM

Read more at blog.grassrootshorse.com


Wild Horses Routinely Treated with Chemicals Prohibited For Humans

I've been yelling about this for so long I'm almost too hoarse to yell any longer. Finally, the BLM, in the person of BLM chief Washington spokesman, Tom Gorey, officially
Amplify’d from horsebackmagazine.com

Wild Horses Routinely Treated with Chemicals Prohibited For Humans

January 11, 2011

By Steven Long
HOUSTON, (Horseback) – BLM horses are treated with drugs prohibited by the FDA for humans. Last week about 200 proponents of making horse processing legal again in the United States met in a sparsely attended conference in Las Vegas. It was billed at the Summit of the Horse.
The conference opened concurrent with President Obama signing a new law that gives the federal Food and Drug Administration authority over all U.S. food.
Domestic horses are routinely given chemicals dangerous to humans such as phenylbutazone (bute) and chemical wormers as well as a host of other dangerous substances. Some at the conference asserted wild horses could bypass stringent rules against human consumption because they had not been handled by humans or treated with veterinary medicines in the wild.
Not so, says BLM chief Washington Spokesman Tom Gorey.
“All wild horses and burros are routinely de-wormed in BLM short-term holding facilities while being prepared for adoption or transfer to long-term pastures,” Gorey told Horseback Magazine Monday.
“Horses do not routinely receive phenylbutazone (bute) or other anti-inflammatory medications, but may on occasion receive this type of medication when indicated to relieve pain and inflammation,” he said.
The FDA strictly prohibits the use of bute in humans.
Read more at horsebackmagazine.com

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Int'l Fund For Horses - Impeach Salazar!

The Int'l Fund for Horses has a form that you can use to have your name added in support of the impeachment of US Secretary Ken Salazar and BLM Director Bob Abbey relating to alleged criminal conduct in the management of America's wild horses and burros. You must be a US resident.

Please visit their page and help get these horse killers impeached!
Amplify’d from www.horsefund.org
Support Our Campaign to Impeach US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and BLM Director Bob Abbey
Complete the form below to have your name added in support of the impeachment of US Secretary Ken Salazar and BLM Director Bob Abbey relating to alleged criminal conduct in the management of America's wild horses and burros.  You must be a US resident.
Please read carefully before submitting your information.
Thank you for your support.
Read more at www.horsefund.org

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A Miracle for the Holiday

What an incredible story. These horses were on their way to Hell, but now they are safe thanks to Jill Starr, President, Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue and the incomparable Madeleine Pickens. And so much for those cynics who have cast doubt and disbelief on Ms Pickens' sincerity. Hopefully, this will shut their mouths permanently.

Please, share this and help care for these horses if you can. If you want to make a donation go here: http://www.wildhorserescue.org/donatefallon.htm  or here: http://www.savingamericasmustangs.org/

May everyone have a Merry Christmas thinking about these horses that were saved from Hell and are now in Heaven thanks to some Christmas Angels.
Amplify’d from www.wildhorserescue.org

Just hours away from being loaded on to double decker cattle trucks and
heading north on the Highway to Hell that would take the 235 little wild mustangs from their Nevada home to the horrible fate of a Canadian Slaughter Plant, Mrs. Madeleine Pickens, a well known and highly respected wild horse advocate made an incredible offer that turned out to be the "stay of execution" these horses must have been praying for.

I was having a conversation late in the evening on Dec. 22 with Mrs. Pickens about the terrible fate that the Native American horses were facing.  So many of the rounded up mustangs had already been sold and shipped to slaughter.
As I was talking with her about the group of foals I am trying to save from the same herd that have not been sold yet, she asked me if we could save any of the horses that were bought by the killers before they get shipped off. Admittedly I was caught off guard by that question, but I was quite happy to make a phone call and see if any of the auction purchased mustangs were still in the killer's feedlot.  I quickly found out that there were still 235 horses on the ground being readied to ship out on Friday, Christmas Eve. 

When the killers said sure we'll sell them to you for the same amount of money that we would make off of them at the slaughter house I called Mrs. Pickens back and told her the high price they demanded. She reeled temporarily by the large figure, but quickly rebounded with "we have to do it, we can't let those horses go to slaughter".

We both hung up with our respective jobs to do...I had to make the arrangements to receive another 235 horses at our temporary holding facility in Fallon, and she had to raise the funds.

By early morning Thursday, Dec. 23, all the pieces were in place and the
horses now have a new lease on life. 
All 235 horses will be housed along with Lifesavers other Fallon rescues until
their long term sanctuary is ready for them.

I have to say that I am amazed by and have much admiration for Mrs. Madeleine Pickens.  Her compassion is boundless and her determination is a force of its own.

I am honored and grateful to have had the opportunity to partner with Saving
America's Mustangs & Madeleine Pickens in this blessed holiday miracle that saved 235 precious lives. 

I hope there will be more miracles to witness in the days to come.

May all your hearts be bursting with the warmth of this season of giving...

Many blessings,

Jill Starr, President,
Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue
See more at www.wildhorserescue.org
 See this Amp at http://bit.ly/e9kTLd
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Public “Observation” at Callaghan Complex Wild Horse Roundup

The latest report from Laura Leigh on the Callaghan Complex roundup leaves me speechless. Keep in mind, Laura is the ONLY observer braving the frigid weather to bring us these invaluable reports on OUR wild horses.

To have her drive for four hours - assuring her that she would be told if there were any changes in the protocol - Laura arrived to find - a change in protocol that would make "observation" even more difficult that it had been previously. Which means virtually nonexistent.

I realize the BLM hates Laura because they think SHE is the reason they look so bad. It's not them, folks, it's Laura for reporting it. These cretins are adults - at least in age if not in judgement - and they are acting worse than even the brattiest ten year old.

I plan to send this to my Senators and Representatives. It probably won't do much good, but this childish, vindictive behavior is unacceptable. WE pay these idiots with OUR tax money, and I'm totally, completely FED UP!

I'm afraid to think what their next move might be. I'll bet poor Laura feels like Alice in Wonderland. I know I do.

Amplify’d from blog.grassrootshorse.com
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Public “Observation” at Callaghan Complex Wild Horse Roundup

After braving a 4 hour drive through snow, rain and fog to observe and report back to us from the Callaghan Complex, lone observer Laura Leigh was met with an unexpected change in blm’s protocol regarding where the “public” would be allowed to view the roundup from. Although she was promised that she would be alerted to any changes in blm protocol prior to making the long journey she was not told that the  access to view would be changed from what she had experienced during the prior days.
While the prior access was not good, yesterdays access was almost non existent although a 60X zoom lens helped enough to capture these images for us. 
Why the unexpected change in viewing access ? There were no blm personnel available to speak with her on this concern, either by phone or in person at the location. 
The public counts on these reports from the roundups and we are concerned about this unwarranted and unnecessary change in the viewing arrangement. 
In my opinion, on a level of common decency and keeping an agreement in good faith, the blm personnel should have contacted Laura as they had promised, so that this long journey out the location in inclement weather would not have been taken for naught.
Why the unexpected and arbitrary change in the viewing access for a single, lone observer who is a member of the accredited press ?
On even the most basic level, common decency and keeping agreements………in my opinion the blm sets a pretty low standard, judging by past behavior.    

Posted by

at 12:40 PM
Read more at blog.grassrootshorse.com

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Pictures and Report from Bald Mountain Wild Horse Roundup

I believe the words and pictures in this report speak for themselves. Stampeding the horses during a "freezing fog" event, no shelter for the horses in bitter cold, new equipment including a "cell killer" which probably had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that every time Laura tried to go live, her cell service would immediately drop out even though it was just fine seconds before. Stinks to high Heaven doesn't it?

Please contact your Senators and Representatives in Washington and ask them if this is their idea of complying with a journalist's 1st Amendment rights. There is nothing so low that these creeps won't stoop to it.

And, get this, Laura was the ONLY observer there!
Amplify’d from blog.grassrootshorse.com
Friday, December 17, 2010

Pictures and Report from Bald Mountain Wild Horse Roundup

BM-01 BaldMountainCCCCCCCCC
Yesterday’s freezing cold and a fog of legends at Callaghan wild horse roundup was nothing compared to reports of the bitter cold temperatures in Nevada’s Bald Mountain today. 

The legend, >From Wikipedia:
The name pogonip is an English adaptation of the Shoshone word meaning "cloud" (payinappih). The English-speaking settlers who encountered this unpleasant and sometimes scary phenomenon when they went out West in the 1800s needed a word for it and they borrowed it from local populations.

This freezing cold fog has been known to kill animals by freezing their lungs.

Apparently, blm thinks its a great day to stampede America’s wild horses to their capture. 

Here are five photos, taken yesterday by journalist Laura Leigh. She is on the ground at Bald Mountain reporting back to us on the happenings there and the world is watching.
BaldMountainAAAAA BaldMountain6 
Basing my assumptions on the past actions of this government agency blm, no member of the public would have ever seen these horses. Laura’s pictures are the only testimony to their existence. Thankfully Laura’s courage and fortitude has her witnessing. 

All our attempts to stream live from this location, so far, have resulted in cell service “dropping” immediately as her equipment was set to go live even though it was clear and strong seconds earlier.  New equipment on the government’s blm vehicles, at least those seen in Twin Peaks, had the capability to kill cell service and broadband connections, much the same way as movie theaters do. I can’t help but wonder if Nevada has the same…….and more importantly, why would they need it ?

And since I am asking, why has blm supplied it’s employees with new cameras and new flip videos ? Why would a blm truck need what’s called a “cell killer”, cameras, tracking devices and other types of surveillance equipment ? Why do you suppose………..
Maybe they should have spent the over 62 million dollars in stimulus money they received last year to put the Wild Horse and Burro Program on a sustainable track and not on high tech “toys”.  The word shame does not even begin to describe this scenario.
I am waiting for Laura Leigh’s additional report from today’s roundup activities. I expect to hear from her shortly. 

Posted by

12:41 PM

Read more at blog.grassrootshorse.com

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"From my earliest memories, I have loved horses with a longing beyond words." ~ Robert Vavra