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Showing posts with label Show all posts


Why the war on America's wild horses?

Why indeed. Partly, it's what it's always been - public lands ranchers seem to forget that they are on PUBLIC LAND and begrudge the horses any of what is theirs by law.

These days though, there's more to it. Even the ranchers are starting to feel a cold wind up their backs, and well they should. Big Energy is coming to take this land. There's money in them thar hills, and Big Energy is planning to make the most of it.

They'll dig more open pit mines and pollute more atmosphere and ground water; they will build more pipelines like Ruby to carry more BP gas. All of these things take WATER - millions of gallons of WATER, and there's even more money to be made in water rights.

Secretary Salazar has said he wants to "industrialize" the West. And they are planning to do just that - until they pump dry the aquifers that took thousands of years to fill. After that, they will leave, looking for new conquests.

Not only will the horses be gone, so will everything else.
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Maureen Harmonay

Why the war on America's wild horses?

BLM says the 178,000-acre Montezuma Peak & Paymaster HMAs can only support 3 horses

Photo: Pam Nickoles Photography,

It seems that hardly a day goes by without the BLM announcing that it intends to round up most of the members of yet another wild herd and put them behind bars forever.  After weeks and months of this, we have to ask:  why the rush to sweep America's free-roaming mustangs from their designated homelands?

The BLM's language belies their true intent.  They no longer talk about "gathers," but are now bluntly describing their missions with a word that reveals how they really view what they're doing to wild horses:  "removals."  As if these horses are a form of vermin that must be eradicated because they pose a threat, or don't belong.

BLM has gotten pretty good at smooth-talking the rationales behind the forced removals of the wild horses, never admitting that cattle interests, or mineral interests, or gas interests, or industrial interests are the true forces behind the dizzying efforts to create vast wild horse-free zones where herds have roamed for decades, if not for centuries.  Instead, they talk about the lack of suitable habitat, water sources, and forage, making it seem that they are doing the wild horses a favor by wrenching them from their families and from the only homes they have ever known.
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Another Day of Blood And Lies From The BLM

Another bloody, unnecessary roundup. This is possibly the most cruel yet. The BLM is in such a hurry these days - why we don't really know - that they have abandoned all pretense of caring about these horses or giving them the bare minimum veterinary attention.

Every day I ask myself, How can this be happening in America? What have we become that our elected officials ignore thousands and thousands of pleas for help for these horses from citizens all over the country? Do the Deep Pockets of Big Cattle, Big Energy and other multinational stakeholders like BP totally OWN Washington?

All I can say is just continue to call and write your legislators in Washington informing them of what is REALLY happening. This is about far more than the horses now - it's about who is running this country, and, folks, it's beginning to look like it ain't the American People!
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Maureen Harmonay

More questions than answers plague Twin Peaks wild horse roundup

  • August 21st, 2010 4:25 pm

The wild horse fatalities are starting to mount, as the Twin Peaks roundup relentlessly rolls on near Susanville, California, and so are the unanswered questions.  Through Friday, August 20th, 760 horses have been helicopter-driven off their 798,000-acre Herd Management Area (HMA), and at least four of them are now dead as a direct result of having been chased and confined.

The latest "mercy killing" occurred yesterday afternoon, when a just-captured two-week-old sorrel colt was euthanized after the attending veterinarian assessed his chances of survival "in the wild" to be slim.   That's a strange comment, because this foal was obviously no longer "in the wild," but in the hands of people of questionable good will.  Could they not have treated and saved him?  
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"From my earliest memories, I have loved horses with a longing beyond words." ~ Robert Vavra