Showing posts with label Susanville California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Susanville California. Show all posts


Another Day of Blood And Lies From The BLM

Another bloody, unnecessary roundup. This is possibly the most cruel yet. The BLM is in such a hurry these days - why we don't really know - that they have abandoned all pretense of caring about these horses or giving them the bare minimum veterinary attention.

Every day I ask myself, How can this be happening in America? What have we become that our elected officials ignore thousands and thousands of pleas for help for these horses from citizens all over the country? Do the Deep Pockets of Big Cattle, Big Energy and other multinational stakeholders like BP totally OWN Washington?

All I can say is just continue to call and write your legislators in Washington informing them of what is REALLY happening. This is about far more than the horses now - it's about who is running this country, and, folks, it's beginning to look like it ain't the American People!
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Maureen Harmonay

More questions than answers plague Twin Peaks wild horse roundup

  • August 21st, 2010 4:25 pm

The wild horse fatalities are starting to mount, as the Twin Peaks roundup relentlessly rolls on near Susanville, California, and so are the unanswered questions.  Through Friday, August 20th, 760 horses have been helicopter-driven off their 798,000-acre Herd Management Area (HMA), and at least four of them are now dead as a direct result of having been chased and confined.

The latest "mercy killing" occurred yesterday afternoon, when a just-captured two-week-old sorrel colt was euthanized after the attending veterinarian assessed his chances of survival "in the wild" to be slim.   That's a strange comment, because this foal was obviously no longer "in the wild," but in the hands of people of questionable good will.  Could they not have treated and saved him?  
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Evidence Shows Wild Horses Were Terrorized Before And During Twin Peaks Roundup

Read this and get mad as hell! Then take action! This cannot be allowed to continue.
Amplify’d from

Maureen Harmonay

Evidence pours in to show that wild horses were terrorized before and during Twin Peaks roundup

  • August 13th, 2010 6:06 pm
Craig Downer shows just-captured wild horses at Twin Peaks trap site on August 12th
Photo: Craig Downer
One wild horse was shot and two hundred and eighty-two others were corralled into captivity by ruthless helicopters during the first two days of the Twin Peaks roundup near Susanville, California, where the BLM intends to scour 2000 mustangs who have been roaming healthy and free on over 656,000 acres in their assigned Herd Management Area (HMA) and put them behind bars.

With a straight face, the BLM says that this amount of land can only support 450 horses.  It wants to preserve most of the forage for 3700 privately owned cattle and 10,000 privately owned sheep.
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"From my earliest memories, I have loved horses with a longing beyond words." ~ Robert Vavra