
Pro Slaughter Group Issues Tainted Survey Results

The big money is with the pro-slaughter groups. It's up to US to save our horses from this horrible, inhumane death.

Pro Slaughter Group Issues Tainted Survey Results

In Horse Slaughter on July 10, 2009 at 9:33 am


CHICAGO, (EWA) – The Unwanted Horse Coalition, a subsidiary of the American Horse Council continues to present a false facade of neutrality on the explosive issue of horse slaughter in America, all the while doing everything in its considerable power to bring back an industry shunned by the overwhelming majority of Americans.

For the sake of the horses, the truth needs to be heard!

For the sake of the horses, the truth needs to be heard!

The Washington D.C. based lobbying group has the support of pro slaughter breeders, ranchers, and others with an economic interest in disposing of horses for profit – no matter the cruelty involved.

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